Ridinger Cattle Company, LLC
Pioneers of Progress
Inaugural Production Sale
Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 11:00 am MST
Burlington Livestock Exchange, Burlington, CO
For the last 20+ years, we have built our cow herd by retaining and investing in the breed’s top genetics for growth and carcass traits, while maintaining our quality reputation for structural soundness and banner-winning phenotype. Here is your opportunity to capitalize on our investment!
Sale features 100+ head!
Heifer Calves • Bred Heifers • Fall Pairs
Yearling Bulls • 18-Mo. Old Bulls • Prime Older Bulls
Embryos • Flush Opportunities • Semen
Internet bidding at www.CattleUSA.com
Internet bidders must register with Burlington Livestock Exchange at least 24 hours before the sale!
Many accommodations available in Burlington.
Cattle will be available for viewing on Wednesday.
Request a catalog by Joining our Mailing List!
Brad: 303-810-0582
Carol: 303-517-1871
Chris Mitchell: 334-695-1371
[email protected]